Code Completion and Call Tips


Code Completion and Call Tips
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Code completion and call tips are available both in the editor windows and in the interactive Python interpreter window.
Code Completion

When you type a qualified identifier (containing ".", e.g. sys.modules) as soon as you press the "." and after a short delay a list with all available members pops up from which you can select using the mouse or filter by typing the first few letters.  The current selection in this list is copied to the interactive interpreter window as soon as:
·    you press ENTER
·    you press TAB
·    you press ".", "(", ")", "[", "]" or space.

You can hide the code completion list by pressing the ESC key.

You may also activate code completion at any point either before you start writing an identifier name or after, as well as before typing the '.'  or after, by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+SPACE.  At all times you will get a filtered list of the names which are within the scope of the position at which you are within a module.

Support is also provided for the completion of the import statement. e.g. (^ stands for pressing Ctrl+Space)

import ^
import in^
import inspect as isp, cty^
from ^
from inspect import g^
from inspect import a as b, g^
from ..modname import a as b, g^
from .. import modname as m, another^

Call tips

When you open a left bracket "(" after typing a function name or a class name, and after a short delay, PyScripter pops up a call tip (hint window) with information about the expected parameters of the function you are entering as well as the doc string of the function if it is available.  This call tip window stays on until you complete entering the function parameters and type the right bracket.  You can hide a call tip by clicking on it).

You may also activate call tips at any point after you started writing the parameters of a function, by pressing the keyboard shortcut Shift+Ctrl+SPACE

Note: The code and parameter completion should be one of the best you can find in any Python IDE.  However,if you find that code and parameter completion is not very accurate for certain modules and packages such as wxPython and scipy you can achieve near perfect completion if you add these packages to the "Special Packages" IDE option (comma separated list). By default it is set to "os, wx, scipy". Special packages are imported on demand to the interpreter instead of scanning their source code.