Introduction to PyScripter


PyScripter - a Python IDE
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PyScripter originally started as a lightweight IDE designed to to serve the purpose of providing a strong scripting solution for Delphi applications, complementing the excellent Python for Delphi (P4D) components.  However, and with the encouragement of the P4D creator Morgan Martinez and a few early users, it has now evolved into a full-featured stand-alone Python IDE.  It is built in Delphi using P4D and the SynEdit component but is extensible using Python scripts.  Currently, it is only available for Microsoft Windows operating systems and  features a modern user-interface. Being built in a compiled language is rather snappier than some of the other IDEs graphic  and provides an extensive blend of features that make it a productive Python development environment.

Why yet another Python IDE?

There are many Python Integrated Development Environments around.  And quite a few good ones, for example Spyder SPE and Eric3, not to mention IDLE which is included in the standard Python distribution.  So it is reasonable to ask why bother to develop yet another Python IDE.  The short answer is for the fun of it!  The long answer relates to the ambition to create a Python IDE that is competitive with commercial Windows-based IDEs available for other languages.