
LabVIEW SignalExpress


Performs a sweep operation on the signals or parameters you select. A sweep iterates a set of measurement steps the number of times you specify. Each iteration modifies one or more parameters of one or more steps of the measurement.

Sweep ConfigurationContains the following options:
  • Sweepable parameters—Displays the parameters to sweep. The Parameter Name column displays the name of the parameter. The Step Name column displays the step that uses the parameter. The Affected Output column displays the output signals, if any, that the sweep operation affects. The Alias column displays the name to use in the Formula field when you reference the parameter. Alias displays a name only when you set Type to Formula.
  • Add—Adds a parameter to the Sweepable parameters.
  • Remove—Removes the selected parameter from the Sweepable parameters.
  • Configuration—Contains the following options:
    • Type—Specifies the type of sweep to perform. You can select from the following options:
      • Linear—(Default) Increments the selected parameter by a uniform value for each iteration of the sweep. The incremental value is the uniform distance between points that maps the Number of points between the Start and Stop values you specify.
      • Exponential—Increments the selected parameter by a value that grows exponentially with each iteration of the sweep.
      • List of Points—Adjusts the value of the selected parameter to the next value in the Data Points list with each iteration of the sweep.
      • From File—Adjusts the value of the selected parameter to the next value in the file with each iteration of the sweep.
      • Formula—Increments the selected parameter using the Formula you specify for the Number of points you specify.
    • Formula—[Type: Formula] Specifies a formula you can use to control the selected parameter. Valid formula parameters are x, which follows a linear sweep characteristic based on the values specified by Start x, Stop x and Number of Points, and any alias x1, x2, and so on that is defined and visible in the Alias column. For example, if you sweep two parameters, x1 and x2, you can define a sweep formula to control the sweeping values of x2 depending on x and x1. For example, in the Formula field, enter 2*x1+3*x^2 to achieve a linear dependency to x1 and quadratic dependency to x. The Sweep Points graphs displays the resulting sweeping characteristic.
      Note  A formula can reference only an alias in a previously swept parameter.
    • Start—[Type: Linear, Exponential] Specifies the start value of the selected Sweepable parameter. The default is 1.
    • Stop—[Type: Linear, Exponential] Specifies the stop value of the selected Sweepable parameter. The default is 2.
    • Start x—[Type: Formula] Specifies the start value of the x parameter when you use the Formula sweep type. LabVIEW SignalExpress always sweeps the x parameter linearly.
    • Stop x—[Type: Formula] Specifies the stop value of the x parameter when you use the Formula sweep type.
    • Number of Points—[Type: Linear, Exponential, Formula] Specifies the number of points, including the start and stop point, to use to perform the sweep. The default is 2.
    • Sweep Points—Displays a preview of the calculated points. The way LabVIEW SignalExpress calculates the points depends on the Type you specify.
      • [Type: Linear, Exponential]—Calculates points based on the values you specify in the Start, Stop, and Number of Points fields.
      • [Type: List of Points]—Calculates points based on the values in the Data Points list.
      • [Type: From File]—Calculates points based on the points specified in the file.
      • [Type: Formula]—Calculates points based on the values you specify in the Start x, Stop x, and Number of Points fields.
    • Data Points—[Type: List of Points] Contains values that define the points in the sweep.
    • Insert—[Type: List of Points] Inserts a new point in the Data Points list above the selected point.
    • Delete—[Type: List of Points] Removes the selected point from the Data Points list.
    • Path to sweep file—[Type: From File] Specifies the location of the text file that contains the sweep points you want to use. The text file must contain a single column of values. You can add comments to each line of the file by using a semicolon delimiter between a sweep point and a comment.
Sweep OutputContains the following options:
  • Outputs of the sweep—Displays the list of data to accumulate from each iteration of the sweep. The outputs you add to this list appear as outputs of the step in the Project View.
  • Add—Adds outputs to the Outputs of the sweep list. Clicking this button displays the Edit Sweep Output dialog box.
  • Remove—Removes the selected output from the Outputs of the sweep list.
  • Edit—Displays the Edit Sweep Output dialog box for the selected sweep output.
  • Output options—Contains the following options:
    • Y-Axis Label (Range)—Specifies a label for the y-axis of the selected output.
    • X-Axis Label (Domain)—Specifies a label for the x-axis of the selected output.
    • Use default—Specifies to whether to use the default label for the axis. Remove the checkmark from this checkbox to specify a custom label.
    • Export iteration index—Specifies whether to include the current iteration index as an output of the step.