Changing Plot Order on Graphs

LabVIEW SignalExpress

Changing Plot Order on Graphs

When you add a signal to a graph, LabVIEW SignalExpress assigns the signal a color and a position in the plot order. Select Visible ItemsĀ»Legend to display the graph legend and see the plot order of the signals. By default, the last signal you add to the graph is the last signal in the plot order in the legend. The order in which you add the signal dictates the color LabVIEW SignalExpress assigns to the plot.

Complete the following steps to change the plot order on a graph.

  1. Right-click a graph display and select Properties from the shortcut menu to display the Display Properties dialog box.
  2. On the Signal Order page, click the Move Forward button to move the signal up one spot in the plot order. Click the Move Backward button to move the signal down one spot in the plot order. Click the Move To Front button to move the signal to the top of the plot order. Click the Move To Back button to move the signal to the end of the plot order.
  3. Click the OK button to close the dialog box and apply the changes.

When you move signals in the plot order, the signals change color so that the first signal is always white, the second signal is always red, etc. You can change the color of a signal by clicking the color next to the signal in the graph legend and selecting a color from the palette that appears.