Adding and Deleting Steps

LabVIEW SignalExpress

Adding and Deleting Steps

Click the Add Step button on the toolbar and select a step from the Add Step palette to add a step to the Project View. You also can right-click the Project View and select a step from the shortcut menu or select a step from the Add Step menu.

After you add a step to the Project View, you can right-click the step and select Insert Before or Insert After from the shortcut menu to add another step to the Project View.

You also can add a step to the Project View by right-clicking an output signal on a step and selecting Send To from the shortcut menu. The shortcut menu displays a list of steps that can handle the output signal. When you select a step for the output signal, LabVIEW SignalExpress places the step in the Project View below the step you originally right-clicked.

To remove a step from the Project View, select the step and press the <Delete> key or right-click the step and select Delete from the shortcut menu.