Configuring a RTSI Cable
To configure a RTSI cable, complete the following steps:
- Expand Devices and Interfaces»NI-DAQmx Devices in the configuration tree.
If you are using a remote RT target, expand Remote Systems, find and expand your target, and expand Devices and Interfaces»NI-DAQmx Devices.
- Right-click the RTSI cable you want to configure. Select Properties.
Select the RTSI cable you want to configure. Click Properties in the MAX toolbar.
- In the RTSI Bus Line Reservation window, select the checkboxes of lines reserved for use by drivers other than NI-DAQmx. Any lines left unchecked may be driven by NI-DAQmx.
- Click OK when you are finished.
To rename a RTSI cable, complete the following steps:
- Expand Devices and Interfaces»NI-DAQmx Devices in the configuration tree.
If you are using a remote RT target, expand Remote Systems, find and expand your target, and expand Devices and Interfaces»NI-DAQmx Devices.
- Right-click the RTSI cable you want to rename. Select Rename.
Select the RTSI cable you want to rename. Press <F2>.
- Type the new cable name. Use only alphanumeric characters for the name. Do not use punctuation or spaces. Press <Enter> or click anywhere on the screen when finished.
To add a DAQ device to the RTSI cable, complete the following steps:
- Expand Devices and Interfaces»NI-DAQmx Devices in the configuration tree.
If you are using a remote RT target, expand Remote Systems, find and expand your target, and expand Devices and Interfaces»NI-DAQmx Devices.
- Right-click the RTSI cable to which you want to add a device, and select Add Device to RTSI Cable.
- Select a device from the list of available DAQ devices.
Note Not all DAQ devices support RTSI cables. Devices without RTSI support do not appear in the list of available devices. |
To remove a DAQ device from the RTSI cable, complete the following steps:
- Expand Devices and Interfaces»NI-DAQmx Devices in the configuration tree.
If you are using a remote RT target, expand Remote Systems, find and expand your target, and expand Devices and Interfaces»NI-DAQmx Devices.
- Right-click the RTSI cable from which you want to remove a device, and select Remove Device from RTSI Cable.
- Select the device to remove.