I.3. Restrictions on Subqueries

MySQL 5.0

I.3. Restrictions on Subqueries

  • Known bug to be fixed later: If you compare a value to a subquery using , , or , and the subquery returns an empty result, the comparison might evaluate to the non-standard result of rather than to or .

  • A subquery's outer statement can be any one of: , , , , , or .

  • Subquery optimization for is not as effective as for the operator or for ) constructs.

    A typical case for poor subquery performance is when the subquery returns a small number of rows but the outer query returns a large number of rows to be compared to the subquery result.

    The problem is that, for a statement that uses an subquery, the optimizer rewrites it as a correlated subquery. Consider the following statement that uses an uncorrelated subquery:

    SELECT ... FROM t1 WHERE t1.a IN (SELECT b FROM t2);

    The optimizer rewrites the statement to a correlated subquery:

    SELECT ... FROM t1 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM t2 WHERE t2.b = t1.a);

    If the inner and outer queries return and rows, respectively, the execution time becomes on the order of ×), rather than +) as it would be for an uncorrelated subquery.

    An implication is that an subquery can be much slower than a query written using an ) construct that lists the same values that the subquery would return.

  • In general, you cannot modify a table and select from the same table in a subquery. For example, this limitation applies to statements of the following forms:

    DELETE FROM t WHERE ... (SELECT ... FROM t ...);
    UPDATE t ... WHERE col = (SELECT ... FROM t ...);

    Exception: The preceding prohibition does not apply if you are using a subquery for the modified table in the clause. Example:

    UPDATE t ... WHERE col = (SELECT (SELECT ... FROM t...) AS _t ...);

    Here the prohibition does not apply because the result from a subquery in the clause is stored as a temporary table, so the relevant rows in have already been selected by the time the update to takes place.

  • Row comparison operations are only partially supported:

    • For IN (), can be an -tuple (specified via row constructor syntax) and the subquery can return rows of -tuples.

    • For {ALL|ANY|SOME} (), must be a scalar value and the subquery must be a column subquery; it cannot return multiple-column rows.

    In other words, for a subquery that returns rows of -tuples, this is supported:

    (, ..., ) IN ()

    But this is not supported:

    (, ..., )  {ALL|ANY|SOME} ()

    The reason for supporting row comparisons for but not for the others is that is implemented by rewriting it as a sequence of comparisons and operations. This approach cannot be used for , , or .

  • Row constructors are not well optimized. The following two expressions are equivalent, but only the second can be optimized:

    (col1, col2, ...) = (val1, val2, ...)
    col1 = val1 AND col2 = val2 AND ...
  • Subqueries in the clause cannot be correlated subqueries. They are materialized (executed to produce a result set) before evaluating the outer query, so they cannot be evaluated per row of the outer query.

  • The optimizer is more mature for joins than for subqueries, so in many cases a statement that uses a subquery can be executed more efficiently if you rewrite it as a join.

    An exception occurs for the case where an subquery can be rewritten as a join. Example:

    SELECT col FROM t1 WHERE id_col IN (SELECT id_col2 FROM t2 WHERE );

    That statement can be rewritten as follows:

    SELECT DISTINCT col FROM t1, t2 WHERE t1.id_col = t2.id_col AND ;

    But in this case, the join requires an extra operation and is not more efficient than the subquery.

  • Possible future optimization: MySQL does not rewrite the join order for subquery evaluation. In some cases, a subquery could be executed more efficiently if MySQL rewrote it as a join. This would give the optimizer a chance to choose between more execution plans. For example, it could decide whether to read one table or the other first.


    SELECT a FROM outer_table AS ot
    WHERE a IN (SELECT a FROM inner_table AS it WHERE ot.b = it.b);

    For that query, MySQL always scans first and then executes the subquery on for each row. If has a lot of rows and has few rows, the query probably will not be as fast as it could be.

    The preceding query could be rewritten like this:

    SELECT a FROM outer_table AS ot, inner_table AS it
    WHERE ot.a = it.a AND ot.b = it.b;

    In this case, we can scan the small table () and look up rows in , which will be fast if there is an index on .

  • Possible future optimization: A correlated subquery is evaluated for each row of the outer query. A better approach is that if the outer row values do not change from the previous row, do not evaluate the subquery again. Instead, use its previous result.

  • Possible future optimization: A subquery in the clause is evaluated by materializing the result into a temporary table, and this table does not use indexes. This does not allow the use of indexes in comparison with other tables in the query, although that might be useful.

  • Possible future optimization: If a subquery in the clause resembles a view to which the merge algorithm can be applied, rewrite the query and apply the merge algorithm so that indexes can be used. The following statement contains such a subquery:

    SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE t1.t1_col) AS _t1, t2 WHERE t2.t2_col;

    The statement can be rewritten as a join like this:

    SELECT * FROM t1, t2 WHERE t1.t1_col AND t2.t2_col;

    This type of rewriting would provide two benefits:

    • It avoids the use of a temporary table for which no indexes can be used. In the rewritten query, the optimizer can use indexes on .

    • It gives the optimizer more freedom to choose between different execution plans. For example, rewriting the query as a join allows the optimizer to use or first.

  • Possible future optimization: For , , , , and with non-correlated subqueries, use an in-memory hash for a result result or a temporary table with an index for larger results. Example:

    SELECT a FROM big_table AS bt
    WHERE non_key_field IN (SELECT non_key_field FROM  WHERE )

    In this case, we could create a temporary table:

    CREATE TABLE t (key (non_key_field))
    (SELECT non_key_field FROM  WHERE )

    Then, for each row in , do a key lookup in based on .