ViewType property as it applies to the DocumentWindow object.
Returns or sets the type of the view contained in the specified document window. Read/write PpViewType.
PpViewType can be one of these PpViewType constants. |
ppViewHandoutMaster |
ppViewMasterThumbnails |
ppViewNormal |
ppViewNotesMaster |
ppViewNotesPage |
ppViewOutline |
ppViewPrintPreview |
ppViewSlide |
ppViewSlideMaster |
ppViewSlideSorter |
ppViewThumbnails |
ppViewTitleMaster |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
ViewType property as it applies to the Pane object.
n any view with panes, returns the type of view for the specified pane. When referencing a view without panes, returns the type of view for the parent DocumentWindow object. Read-only PpViewType.
PpViewType can be one of these PpViewType constants. |
ppViewHandoutMaster |
ppViewMasterThumbnails |
ppViewNormal |
ppViewNotesMaster |
ppViewNotesPage |
ppViewOutline |
ppViewPrintPreview |
ppViewSlide |
ppViewSlideMaster |
ppViewSlideSorter |
ppViewThumbnails |
ppViewTitleMaster |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
As it applies to the DocumentWindow object.
This example changes the view in the active window to slide sorter view if the window is currently displayed in normal view.
With Application.ActiveWindow
If .ViewType = ppViewNormal Then
.ViewType = ppViewSlideSorter
End If
End With
As it applies to the Pane object.
If the view in the active pane is slide view, this example makes the notes pane the active pane. The notes pane is the third member of the Panes collection.
With ActiveWindow
If .ActivePane.ViewType = ppViewSlide Then
End If
End With