expression.ConvertToBuildLevel(Effect, Level)
expression Required. An expression that returns a Sequence object.
Effect Required Effect object. The specified animation effect.
Level Required MsoAnimateByLevel. The animation build level.
MsoAnimateByLevel can be one of these MsoAnimateByLevel constants. |
msoAnimateChartAllAtOnce |
msoAnimateChartByCategory |
msoAnimateChartByCategoryElements |
msoAnimateChartBySeries |
msoAnimateChartBySeriesElements |
msoAnimateDiagramAllAtOnce |
msoAnimateDiagramBreadthByLevel |
msoAnimateDiagramBreadthByNode |
msoAnimateDiagramClockwise |
msoAnimateDiagramClockwiseIn |
msoAnimateDiagramClockwiseOut |
msoAnimateDiagramCounterClockwise |
msoAnimateDiagramCounterClockwiseIn |
msoAnimateDiagramCounterClockwiseOut |
msoAnimateDiagramDepthByBranch |
msoAnimateDiagramDepthByNode |
msoAnimateDiagramDown |
msoAnimateDiagramInByRing |
msoAnimateDiagramOutByRing |
msoAnimateDiagramUp |
msoAnimateLevelMixed |
msoAnimateTextByAllLevels |
msoAnimateTextByFifthLevel |
msoAnimateTextByFirstLevel |
msoAnimateTextByFourthLevel |
msoAnimateTextBySecondLevel |
msoAnimateTextByThirdLevel |
msoAnimationLevelNone |
Changing build level information for an effect invalidates any existing effects.
The following example changes the build level information for an animation effect, making the original effect invalid.
Sub ConvertBuildLevel()
Dim sldFirst As Slide
Dim shpFirst As Shape
Dim effFirst As Effect
Dim effConvert As Effect
Set sldFirst = ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange(1)
Set shpFirst = sldFirst.Shapes(1)
Set effFirst = sldFirst.TimeLine.MainSequence _
.AddEffect(Shape:=shpFirst, EffectID:=msoAnimEffectAscend)
Set effConvert = sldFirst.TimeLine.MainSequence _
.ConvertToBuildLevel(Effect:=effFirst, _
End Sub