Clone Method

Microsoft PowerPoint Visual Basic

Creates a copy of a Design object.

expression.Clone(pOriginal, Index)

expression    Required. An expression that returns a Designs object.

pOriginal   Required Design object. The original design.

Index   Optional Long. The index location in the Designs collection into which the design will be copied. If Index    is omitted, the cloned design is added to the end of the Designs collection.

ShowClone method as it applies to the Sequence object.

Creates a copy of an Effect object, and adds it to the Sequences collection at the specified index.

expression.Clone(Effect, Index)

expression    Required. An expression that returns a Sequence object.

Effect   Required Effect object. The animation effect to be cloned.

Index   Optional Long. The position at which the cloned animation effect will be added to the Sequences collection. The default value is -1 (added to the end).


ShowAs it applies to the Designs object.

This example creates a design and clones the newly created design.

Sub CloneDesign()
    Dim dsnDesign1 As Design
    Dim dsnDesign2

    Set dsnDesign1 = ActivePresentation.Designs _

    Set dsnDesign2 = ActivePresentation.Designs _
        .Clone(pOriginal:=dsnDesign1, Index:=1)

End Sub

ShowAs it applies to the Sequence object.

This example copies an animation effect. This example assumes an animation effect named "effDiamond" exists.

Sub CloneEffect()

    ActivePresentation.Slides(1).TimeLine.MainSequence _
        .Clone Effect:=effDiamond, Index:=-1

End Sub