RangeType property as it applies to the PrintOptions object.
Returns or sets the type of print range for the presentation. Read/write PpPrintRangeType.
PpPrintRangeType can be one of these PpPrintRangeType constants. |
ppPrintAll |
ppPrintCurrent |
ppPrintNamedSlideShow |
ppPrintSelection |
ppPrintSlideRange |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
RangeType property as it applies to the SlideShowSettings object.
Returns or sets the type of slide show to run. Read/write PpSlideShowRangeType.
PpSlideShowRangeType can be one of these PpSlideShowRangeType constants. |
ppShowAll |
ppShowNamedSlideShow |
ppShowSlideRange |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
To print the slides ranges you've defined in the PrintRanges collection, you must first set the RangeType property to ppPrintSlideRange. Setting RangeType to anything other than ppPrintSlideRange means that the ranges you've defined in the PrintRanges collection won't be applied. However, this doesn't affect the contents of the PrintRanges collection in any way. That is, if you define some print ranges, set the RangeType property to a value other than ppPrintSlideRange, and then later set RangeType back to ppPrintSlideRange, the print ranges you defined before will remain unchanged.
Specifying a value for the To and From arguments of the PrintOut method sets the value of this property.
As it applies to the PrintOptions object.
This example prints the current slide the active presentation.
With ActivePresentation
.PrintOptions.RangeType = ppPrintCurrent
End With
As it applies to the SlideShowSettings object.
This example runs the named slide show "Quick Show."
With ActivePresentation.SlideShowSettings
.RangeType = ppShowNamedSlideShow
.SlideShowName = "Quick Show"
End With