Paragraphs Method

Microsoft PowerPoint Visual Basic

Returns a TextRange object that represents the specified subset of text paragraphs. For information about counting or looping through the paragraphs in a text range, see the TextRange object.

expression.Paragraphs(Start, Length)

expression    Required. An expression that returns a TextRange object.

Start    Optional Long. The first paragraph in the returned range.

Length    Optional Long. The number of paragraphs to be returned.


If both Start and Length are omitted, the returned range starts with the first paragraph and ends with the last paragraph in the specified range.

If Start is specified but Length is omitted, the returned range contains one paragraph.

If Length is specified but Start is omitted, the returned range starts with the first paragraph in the specified range.

If Start is greater than the number of paragraphs in the specified text, the returned range starts with the last paragraph in the specified range.

If Length is greater than the number of paragraphs from the specified starting paragraph to the end of the text, the returned range contains all those paragraphs.


This example formats as italic the first two lines of the second paragraph in shape two on slide one in the active presentation.

Application.ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(2) _
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Paragraphs(2) _
    .Lines(1, 2).Font.Italic = True