AddNode Method

Microsoft PowerPoint Visual Basic

Adds a DiagramNode object to a collection of child diagram nodes.


expression    Required. An expression that returns a DiagramNodeChildren object.

Index   Optional Variant. The index location of where to add the new diagram node; 0 adds before all nodes; -1 adds after all nodes; any other Index will add after that node in the collection.

ShowAddNode method as it applies to the DiagramNode object.

Returns a DiagramNode object that represents a node added to a diagram.


expression    Required. An expression that returns a DiagramNode object.

Pos   Optional MsoRelativeNodePosition. Specifies where the node will be added, relative to the calling node.

MsoRelativeNodePosition can be one of these MsoRelativeNodePosition constants.
msoAfterNode default


The following example adds nodes to a newly-created diagram.

Sub CreatePyramidDiagram()

    Dim dgnNode As DiagramNode
    Dim shpDiagram As Shape
    Dim intNodes As Integer

    'Adds the pyramid diagram and first node
    Set shpDiagram = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes _
        .AddDiagram(Type:=msoDiagramPyramid, Left:=10, _
        Top:=15, Width:=400, Height:=475)
    Set dgnNode = shpDiagram.DiagramNode.Children.AddNode

    'Adds three more nodes to pyramid diagram
    For intNodes = 1 To 3
    Next intNodes

End Sub