SlideShowEnd Event

Microsoft PowerPoint Visual Basic

Occurs after a slide show ends— immediately after the last SlideShowNextSlide event occurs.

Private Sub application_SlideShowEnd(ByVal Pres As Presentation)

application     An object of type Application declared with events in a class module. For information about using events with the Application object, see Using Events with the Application Object.

Pres     The presentation closed when this event occurs.


The SlideShowEnd event always occurs before a slide show ends if the SlideShowBegin event has occurred. You can use the SlideShowEnd event to return any property settings and variable initializations that occur in the SlideShowBegin event to their original settings.


This example turns off the entry effect and automatic advance timing slide show transition effects for slides one through four at the end of the slide show. It also sets the slides to advance manually.

Private Sub App_SlideShowEnd(ByVal Pres As Presentation)
    With Pres.Slides.Range(Array(1, 4)) _
        .EntryEffect = ppEffectNone
        .AdvanceOnTime = msoFalse
    End With

    With Pres.SlideShowSettings
        .AdvanceMode = ppSlideShowManualAdvance
    End With
End Sub