Returns the name of the specified tag as a String.
expression Required. An expression that returns a Tags collection.
Index Required Long. The tag number.
This example displays the name and value for each tag associated with slide one in the active presentation.
With Application.ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Tags
For i = 1 To .Count
MsgBox "Tag #" & i & ": Name = " & .Name(i)
MsgBox "Tag #" & i & ": Value = " & .Value(i)
End With
This example searches through the tags for each slide in the active presentation. If there's a tag named "PRIORITY," a message box displays the tag value. If there isn't a tag named "PRIORITY," the example adds this tag with the value "Unknown."
For Each s In Application.ActivePresentation.Slides
With s.Tags
found = False
For i = 1 To .Count
If .Name(i) = "PRIORITY" Then
found = True
slNum = .Parent.SlideIndex
MsgBox "Slide " & slNum & _
" priority: " & .Value(i)
End If
If Not found Then
slNum = .Parent.SlideIndex
.Add "Name", "New Figures"
.Add "Priority", "Unknown"
MsgBox "Slide " & slNum & _
" priority tag added: Unknown"
End If
End With