Item types and message classes
The type of an item is defined by its Type property. The message class for an item is defined by its MessageClass property.
Message class ID | Item type is used to |
IPM.Activity | Create journal entries. |
IPM.Appointment | Create appointments. |
IPM.Contact | Create contacts. |
IPM.DistList | Create distribution lists |
IPM.Document | Create documents. |
IPM.OLE.Class | Create the exception item of a recurrence series. |
IPM | If the specified form cannot be found. |
IPM.Note | Create e-mail messages. |
IPM.Note.IMC.Notification | Create a report from the Internet Mail Connect (the Exchange Server gateway to the Internet). |
IPM.Note.Rules.Oof.Template.Microsoft | Show out-of-office templates. |
IPM.Post | Post a note in a folder. |
IPM.StickyNote | Create a note. |
IPM.Recall.Report | Create a message recall report. |
IPM.Outlook.Recall | Retrieve sent messages from recipient Inboxes. |
IPM.Remote | Represent a Remote Mail message header. |
IPM.Note.Rules.ReplyTemplate.Microsoft | Edit rule reply templates. |
IPM.Report | Report item status. |
IPM.Resend | Resend a failed message. |
IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Canceled | Send meeting cancellations. |
IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request | Create meeting requests. |
IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg | Create decline meeting responses. |
IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos | Create accept meeting responses. |
IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Tent | Create tentative meeting responses. |
IPM.Note.Secure | Send encrypted notes to other people. |
IPM.Note.Secure.Sign | Send digitally signed notes to other people. |
IPM.Task | Create tasks. |
IPM.TaskRequest.Accept | Create accept task request responses. |
IPM.TaskRequest.Decline | Create decline task request responses. |
IPM.TaskRequest | Create task requests. |
IPM.TaskRequest.Update | Create updates to requested tasks. |