Form Events

Microsoft Office Outlook 2003

Form Events

Form events occur when something happens to an item displayed in a form, such as when it's saved or opened or when a user-defined action is started.

Most often, form events are handled by VBScript code within the form itself.

Some events can be cancelled. That is, your event handler can prevent Microsoft Outlook from performing the default action associated with the event. For example, you can write an event handler for the Forward event to prevent an item from being sent to recipients who are not on a list of approved recipients. Learn about canceling an event.

The following table lists the form events supported by Outlook.

Event Cancelable? Description
AttachmentAdd No Occurs when an attachment has been added to the item
AttachmentRead No Occurs when an attachment has been opened for reading
BeforeAttachmentSave Yes Occurs before an attachment is saved
BeforeCheckNames Yes Occurs before Outlook starts resolving names in the recipients collection of the item
Close Yes Occurs before Outlook closes the inspector displaying the item
CustomAction Yes Occurs before Outlook executes a custom action of an item
CustomPropertyChange No Occurs when a custom item property has changed
Forward Yes Occurs before Outlook executes the Forward action of an item
Open Yes Occurs before Outlook opens an inspector to display the item
PropertyChange No Occurs when an item property has changed
Read No Occurs when an item is opened for editing by a user
Reply Yes Occurs before Outlook executes the Reply action of an item
ReplyAll Yes Occurs before Outlook executes the Reply to All action of an item
Send Yes Occurs before Outlook sends the item
Write Yes Occurs before Outlook saves the item in a folder