How to use the Outlook object browser
To view the Outlook object browser:
1 Open a form in design mode.
2 In the Form menu, click View Code to view the Script Editor.
3 In the Script Editor, click Object Browser on the Script menu or press F2.
All of the available Outlook objects are listed in the Classes pane of the object browser in alphabetical order.
To view the members of an object, select the object in the Classes pane. The members of this object appear in alphabetical order in the Members of pane. The heading at the top of this pane will reflect the name of the object that you select. For example, if you select the AppointmentItem object in the Classes pane, the heading of the Members of pane will appear as Members of AppointmentItem.
The details pane shows the definition of the selected member. This text is read-only and cannot be copied and pasted into the Script Editor.
To insert an item from the object browser into the Script Editor:
1 In the Script Editor, position your cursor at the location for insertion.
2 Select the desired object in the Classes pane.
3 Select the desired member of this object in the Members of pane.
4 Click the Insert button.
Note The Insert button remains unavailable until a member of the object is selected.