Set the attributes of a form
The attributes of a form are set in design mode on the Properties and Actions pages. On the Properties page, the information such as Description, Category, and Form Number helps users find and identify your form in the New Form dialog box. If you do not want users to modify your form, you can protect a form by assigning a password to it.
One very important attribute of your form is whether to send the form definition with the form. The form definition includes all the fields and the code you add to the form. If you do not plan to publish your form to a forms library, then you must select the Send form definition with item check box (Properties page). The form definition includes all the new data you add to the form when you send the form to another user. When you only plan to use your form one time and do not want to publish your form, this type of form is commonly referred to as a one-off form.
If you plan to publish your form to a forms library to which other users have access, such as an Organizational Forms Library or a public folder library, you do not need to send the form definition; it is stored in the library. The form definition can add considerable size to your form.
If you want to change how users reply to your form, click the Actions page. The Actions page lists the default Reply forms that are available. You can add your own custom Reply forms as well. For example, forms based on a new mail message have built-in Reply, Reply to All, Forward, and Reply to Folder forms. When users receive your form, the form will have buttons and menu commands so users can respond to the form. You can disable some or all of these default forms and set attributes for how these Reply forms appear.