Style Property

Microsoft Office Outlook 2003

Style Property

For ComboBox, specifies how the user can choose or set the control's value. For MultiPage and TabStrip, identifies the style of the tabs on the control.


object.Style [=Style]

The Style property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object Required. A valid object.
Style Optional. Specifies how a user sets the value of a ComboBox.


The settings for ComboBox are:

Value Description
0 The ComboBox behaves as a drop-down combo box. The user can type a value in the edit region or select a value from the drop-down list (default).
2 The ComboBox behaves as a list box. The user must choose a value from the list.

The settings for MultiPage and TabStrip are::

Value Description
0 Displays tabs on the tab bar (default).
1 Displays buttons on the tab bar.
2 Does not display the tab bar.