The following example swaps columns of a multicolumn ListBox. The sample uses the List property in two ways:
- To access and exchange individual values in the ListBox. In this usage, List has subscripts to designate the row and column of a specified value.
- To initially load the ListBox with values from an array. In this usage, List has no subscripts.
To use this example, copy this sample code to the Script Editor of a form. To run the code you need to open the form so the Open event will activate. Make sure that the form contains a ListBox named ListBox1 and a CommandButton named CommandButton1.
Dim Listbox1
Dim MyArray(6, 3)
Sub Item_Open
Dim i
Set Listbox1 = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Listbox1
Listbox1.ColumnCount = 3
For i = 0 to 5
MyArray(i, 0) = i
MyArray(i, 1) = Rnd
MyArray(i, 2) = Rnd
Listbox1.List() = MyArray
End Sub
Sub CommandButton1_Click
Dim i
Dim Temp
For i = 0 to 5
Temp = Listbox1.List(i, 0)
Listbox1.List(i, 0) = Listbox1.List(i, 2)
Listbox1.List(i, 2) = Temp
End Sub