Count Property Example

Microsoft Office Outlook 2003

The following example displays the Count property of the Controls collection for the form, and the Count property identifying the number of pages and tabs of each MultiPage and TabStrip.

To use this example, copy this sample code to the Script Editor of a form. To run the code you need to open the form so the Open event will activate. The form can contain any number of controls, with the following restrictions:

  • Names of MultiPage controls must start with "MultiPage".
  • Names of TabStrip controls must start with "TabStrip".

Note  You can add pages to a MultiPage or add tabs to a TabStrip while in design mode. Double-click on the control, then right click in the tab area of the control and choose New Page from the shortcut menu.

Sub Item_Open
    Dim Controls
    Dim MyControl

    Set Controls = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages.Item("P.2").Controls
    MsgBox "Controls.Count = " & Controls.Count
    For i = 0 to Controls.Count -1
        Set MyControl = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages.Item("P.2").Controls.Item(i)
        If (MyControl.Name = "MultiPage1") Then
            MsgBox MyControl.Name & ".Pages.Count = " & MyControl.Pages.Count
        ElseIf (MyControl.Name = "TabStrip1") Then
            MsgBox MyControl.Name & ".Tabs.Count = " & MyControl.Tabs.Count
        End If
End Sub