Entity Class


Entity Class
Basic UI entity. All entities inherit from this class and share this API.
Inheritance Hierarchy
SystemObject  GeonBit.UI.EntitiesEntity

Namespace:  GeonBit.UI.Entities
Assembly:  GeonBit.UI (in GeonBit.UI.dll) Version: (
public class Entity

The Entity type exposes the following members.

Public methodEntity
Create the entity.
Public propertyBackground
Optional background entity that will not respond to events and will always be rendered right behind this entity.
Public propertyDraggable
Is the entity draggable (eg can a user grab it and drag it around).
Public propertyEntityDefaultSize
Return the default size for this entity.
Public propertyFillColor
Entity fill color - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default fill color style property.
Public propertyInternalDestRect
Get internal destination rect.
Public propertyIsDirty
Get if this entity needs to recalculate destination rect.
Public propertyIsFocused
Does this entity or one of its children currently focused?
Public propertyIsMouseDown
Return if the mouse is currently pressing on this entity (eg over it and left mouse button is down).
Public propertyIsMouseOver
Return if the mouse is currently over this entity (regardless of weather or not mouse button is down).
Public propertyOpacity
Entity fill color opacity - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default fill color alpha style property.
Public propertyOutlineColor
Entity outline color - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default outline color style property.
Public propertyOutlineOpacity
Entity outline color opacity - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default outline color alpha style property.
Public propertyOutlineWidth
Entity outline width - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default outline color style property.
Public propertyPadding
Entity padding - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default padding style property.
Public propertyParent
Get the direct parent of this entity.
Public propertyPriority
Return entity priority in drawing order and event handling.
Public propertyScale
Entity scale - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default scale style property.
Public propertyShadowColor
Entity shadow color - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default shadow color style property.
Public propertyShadowOffset
Entity shadow offset - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default shadow offset style property.
Public propertyShadowScale
Entity shadow scale - this is just a sugarcoat to access the default shadow scale style property.
Public propertySize
Entity current size property.
Public propertySpaceAfter
Extra space (in pixels) to reserve *after* this entity when using Auto Anchors.
Public propertySpaceBefore
Extra space (in pixels) to reserve *before* this entity when using Auto Anchors.
Public propertyState
Current entity state (default / mouse hover / mouse down..).
Public propertyVisible
Set / get visibility.
Public methodAddChild
Add a child entity.
Public methodBringToFront
Bring this entity to be on front (inside its parent).
Public methodCalcDestRect
Calculate and return the destination rectangle, eg the space this entity is rendered on.
Public methodCalcInternalRect
Calculate and return the internal destination rectangle (note: this relay on the dest rect having a valid value first).
Public methodClearChildren
Remove all children entities.
Public methodDraw
Draw this entity and its children.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFind(String, Boolean)
Find and return first occurance of a child entity with a given identifier.
Public methodFindT(String, Boolean)
Find and return first occurance of a child entity with a given identifier and specific type.
Public methodGetActiveStyle
Return stylesheet property for current entity state (or default if undefined for state).
Public methodGetActualDestRect
Return actual destination rectangle. This can be override and implemented by things like Paragraph, where the actual destination rect is based on text content, font and word-wrap.
Public methodGetChildren
Return all children of this entity.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetRelativeOffset
Return the relative offset, in pixels, from parent top-left corner.
Public methodGetStyleProperty
Return stylesheet property for a given state.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsDeepChildOf
Check if this entity is a descendant of another entity. This goes up all the way to root.
Public methodIsDisabled
Return if this entity is currently disabled, due to self or one of the parents / grandparents being disabled.
Public methodIsInsideEntity
Test if a given point is inside entity's boundaries.
Public methodIsLocked
Return if this entity is currently locked, due to self or one of the parents / grandparents being locked.
Public methodIsNaturallyInteractable
Return true if this entity is naturally interactable, like buttons, lists, etc. Entities that are not naturally interactable are things like paragraph, colored rectangle, icon, etc.
Public methodIsVisible
Return if this entity is currently visible, eg this and all its parents and grandparents are visible.
Public methodIterateChildren
Iterate over children and call 'callback' for every direct child of this entity.
Public methodMarkAsDirty
Mark that this entity boundaries or style changed and it need to recalculate cached destination rect and other things.
Public methodPropagateEventsTo
Propagate all events trigger by this entity to a given other entity. For example, if "OnClick" will be called on this entity, it will trigger OnClick on 'other' as well.
Public methodRemoveChild
Remove child entity.
Public methodRemoveFromParent
Remove this entity from its parent.
Public methodSetAnchor
Set the anchor of this entity.
Public methodSetOffset
Set the offset of this entity.
Public methodSetPosition
Set the position and anchor of this entity.
Public methodSetStyleProperty
Set a stylesheet property.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUpdate
Called every frame to update entity state and call events.
Public methodUpdateDestinationRects
Update dest rect and internal dest rect. This is called internally whenever a change is made to the entity or its parent.
Public methodUpdateDestinationRectsIfDirty
Update dest rect and internal dest rect, but only if needed (eg if something changed since last update).
Public methodUpdateStyle
Update the entire stylesheet from a different stylesheet.
Public fieldAfterDraw
Callback to execute every frame after this entity is rendered.
Public fieldAfterUpdate
Callback to execute every frame after this entity updates.
Public fieldAttachedData
Optional data you can attach to this entity and retrieve later (for example when handling events).
Public fieldBeforeDraw
Callback to execute every frame before this entity is rendered.
Public fieldBeforeUpdate
Callback to execute every frame before this entity updates.
Public fieldClickThrough
If this boolean is true, events will just "go through" this entity to its children or entities behind it. This bool comes to solve conditions where you have two panels without skin that hide each other but you want users to be able to click on the bottom panel through the upper panel, provided it doesn't hit any of the first panel's children.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultSize
Default size this entity will have when no size is provided or when -1 is set for either width or height.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultStyle
Basic default style that all entities share. Note: loaded from UI theme xml file.
Public fieldDisabled
If true, this entity and its children will be drawn in greyscale effect and will not respond to events.
Public fieldExtraMargin
Adds extra space outside the dest rect for collision detection. In other words, if extra margin is set to 10 and the user points with its mouse 5 pixels above this entity, it would still think the user points on the entity.
Public fieldIdentifier
Optional identifier you can attach to entities so you can later search and retrieve by.
Public fieldLimitDraggingToParentBoundaries
If true, users will not be able to drag this entity outside its parent boundaries.
Public fieldLocked
If true, this entity and its children will not respond to events (but will be drawn normally, unlike when disabled).
Public fieldOnClick
Callback to execute when user clicks on this entity (eg release mouse over it).
Public fieldOnFocusChange
Callback to execute every time this entity focus / unfocus.
Public fieldOnMouseDown
Callback to execute when mouse button is pressed over this entity (called once when button is pressed).
Public fieldOnMouseEnter
Callback to execute when mouse start hovering over this entity (eg enters its region).
Public fieldOnMouseLeave
Callback to execute when mouse stop hovering over this entity (eg leaves its region).
Public fieldOnMouseReleased
Callback to execute when mouse button is released over this entity (called once when button is released).
Public fieldOnMouseWheelScroll
Callback to execute when mouse wheel scrolls and this entity is the active entity.
Public fieldOnStartDrag
Called when entity starts getting dragged (only if draggable).
Public fieldOnStopDrag
Called when entity stop getting dragged (only if draggable).
Public fieldOnValueChange
Callback to execute when entity value changes (relevant only for entities with value).
Public fieldOnVisiblityChange
Callback to execute every time the visibility of this entity changes (also invokes when parent becomes invisible / visible again).
Public fieldPromiscuousClicksMode
If in promiscuous mode, mouse button is pressed *outside* the entity and then released on the entity, click event will be fired. If false, in order to fire click event the mouse button must be pressed AND released over this entity (but can travel outside while being held down, as long as its released inside). Note: Windows default behavior is non promiscuous mode.
Public fieldToolTipText
Optional tooltip text to show if the user points on this entity for long enough.
Public fieldStatic memberUSE_DEFAULT_SIZE
A special size used value to use when you want to get the entity default size.
Public fieldUseActualSizeForCollision
If true (default), will use the actual object size for collision detection. If false, will use the size property. This is useful for paragraphs, for example, where the actual width is based on text content and can vary and be totally different than the size set in the constructor.
Public fieldWhileDragging
Called every frame while the entity is being dragged.
Public fieldWhileMouseDown
Callback to execute every frame while mouse button is pressed over the entity.
Public fieldWhileMouseHover
Callback to execute every frame while mouse is hovering over the entity.
See Also
Inheritance Hierarchy