Panel API

Far Manager

Panel API

Exported functions

Function Description
ClosePlugin before closing an open plugin instance.
Compare overrides sorting algorithm
DeleteFiles delete files
FreeFindData frees memory, allocated by GetFindData
FreeVirtualFindData frees memory, allocated by GetVirtualFindData
GetFiles get files
GetFindData get file list
GetOpenPluginInfo get information about an open plugin instance
GetVirtualFindData get files
MakeDirectory make a directory
OpenFilePlugin open a file
OpenPlugin create a new plugin instance
ProcessEvent process events
ProcessHostFile execute archive commands
ProcessKey process keyboard events
PutFiles put files to the emulated file system
SetDirectory set current directory in the emulated file system
SetFindList transfers found files from the "Find file" dialog to the emulated file system

Service functions

Control allows to request different information about the FAR panels and perform various control actions.
FreeDirList releases the memory allocated for files list by GetDirList and GetPluginDirList functions.
GetDirList returns the list of files in the specified directory.
GetPluginDirList returns list of files in the specified directory in the file system emulated by a plugin.


InfoPanelLine One line in the info panel
KeyBarTitles Overrides function key labels in the key bar
PanelInfo Information about a Far panel
PanelMode Describes a panel view mode
PanelRedrawInfo Used to redraw a panel
PluginPanelItem Information about an item in the emulated file system


NM size of the buffer needed to receive a full file name.
OPM_* additional information about function operation mode and place, from which it was called.
SM_* sort modes.
See also: