Examples - Macros

Far Manager



;open the disks menu in the passive file panel
;make the panel for which the menu is going to be open visible if it was hidden before.

"Sequence"="Esc $If (!PPanel.Visible) $If (APanel.Left) CtrlF2 $Else CtrlF1 $End $End Tab F9 Enter End Enter"

;select/unselect a single word under the text cursor

"Sequence"="RCtrl9 CtrlRight CtrlLeft $If (!Selected) CtrlShiftRight $Else CtrlU $End Ctrl9"

;create a new folder with name consisting of the current date

"Sequence"="%folder=date(\"%d.%m0.%Y\"); $If (!panel.fexist(0,%folder)) F7 CtrlY $Text %folder Enter $End"

;quick find the file in the passive panel with the same name as selected
;in the active panel
;sequence F5 ShiftEnter CtrlIns is used to get the file name independently
;of the state of the command line and number of selected files in the panels

"Sequence"="$IClip $If (((Bof && APanel.Root) || !Bof) && PPanel.Visible)
$If (fexist(PPanel.Path+\"\\\\\"+APanel.Current) == 1) F5 ShiftEnter
CtrlIns Esc Tab Home Alt< ShiftIns Esc $End $End"

"Sequence"="$IClip $If (((Bof && APanel.Root) || !Bof) && PPanel.Visible)
$If (fexist(PPanel.Path+\"\\\\\"+APanel.Current) == 1) F5 ShiftEnter CtrlIns
Esc Tab Home Alt< ShiftIns Esc $End $End"

;select 30 next/previous files or folders

"Sequence"="$If (!Eof) $Rep (30) $If (Eof) Ins $Exit $Else Ins $End $End $End"

"Sequence"="Up $If (Bof) $If (!APanel.Root) Down $End $Exit $Else Down $End
$If (Eof) Ins $Else Ins Up $End $Rep (29) Up Ins Up $If (Bof)
$If (!APanel.Root) Down $End $Exit $End $End Up"

;capture the whole screen to the text file far-screen.out
;this macro works only in the Dialog area of execution

"Sequence"="$IClip AltIns CtrlHome ShiftEnd ShiftPgDn Enter Esc
$If (!Shell) Esc $End $If (Shell && !APanel.Plugin) ShiftF4 CtrlY
\"far-screen.out\" Enter ShiftIns Enter Enter F2 Esc $End"

;delete the file or folder using Del hotkey
;if the cursor was on the .. element then try to delete the parent folder
;if command line cursor is not in the end of the command line then delete current symbol

"Sequence"="$If (!CmdLine.Eof) Del $Exit $Else
$If ((APanel.Bof && !APanel.Selected) &&
(!APanel.Root || APanel.Plugin)) CtrlPgUp $End F8 $End"

;maximize the passive panel before showing the quickview panel
;restore the panel size before closing the quickview panel

"Sequence"="Tab $If (QView) Tab Ctrl2 Tab CtrlClear $Else Tab Ctrl6 Tab
$If (APanel.Left) $Rep (APanel.width) CtrlRight $End $Else
$Rep (APanel.width) CtrlLeft $End $End $End Tab CtrlQ"

This macro is intended to highlight HTML file/folder pairs:


"Sequence"="%Current=APanel.Current; %Ext=substr(%Current,len(%Current)-6);
$If (%Ext==\"_files\") %Name=substr(%Current,0,len(%Current)-6); $Else
%Ext=fsplit(%Current,FSPLIT_EXT); %Name=fsplit(%Current,FSPLIT_NAME); $End
$if (%Ext==\".htm\" || %Ext==\".html\") panel.setpos(ACTIVEPANEL,%Name+\".files\")
panel.setpos(ACTIVEPANEL,%Name+\"_files\") $end $if (%Ext==\".files\" || %Ext==\"_files\")
panel.setpos(ACTIVEPANEL,%Name+\".htm\") panel.setpos(ACTIVEPANEL,%Name+\".html\") $End
$if (APanel.Current!=%Current) $If(!panelitem(ACTIVEPANEL,0,PANELITEM_SELECTED)) Ins $End
panel.setpos(ACTIVEPANEL,%Current) $If(!panelitem(ACTIVEPANEL,0,PANELITEM_SELECTED))
Ins $End $End $MMode 1 $MMode 1"

;Macro is not called when command line is not empty, in order to keep the primary
;action of CtrlShiftIns combination - Copy names of selected files to clipboard