Overview (Dundas Mailer Control 1.0)


Dundas Mailer Control 1.0

Copyright © Dundas Software Ltd. 2000, All Rights Reserved.

Overview | Properties | Methods

The Dundas Mailer Control 1.0 is a free commercial email control which utilizes the SMTP, MIME and NNTP protocols to send email messages and post news articles. It has been designed for use within Active Server Pages (ASP) and can be used by any person or organization that is hosting web sites using Microsoft's Internet Information Server. It is also used in conjunction with the Dundas Upload Control when dealing with uploaded files to be sent either as attachments or embedded html objects.

The Dundas Mailer control is extremely fast and reliable. The following is a listing of the control's features:

  • Specify multiple recipients by using the TOs, CCs, and BCCs collections.

  • Ability to post news articles to news groups.

  • Supports both text-based and html-based email.

  • Support for embedded html objects within an html-based email (audio files, images, etc.).

  • Ability to send multiple file attachments.

  • ReplyTo property (implemented as a collection).

  • Message headers can be set to non-ASCII values with the EncodeHeader method.

  • You can specify the character set to be used for the message body (for non-English emails).

  • Priority property used to indicate low, high or normal priorities.

  • A QuickSend method which allows you to send an email with a minimal amount of code.

  • Use multiple SMTP relays for improved speed and reliability.

  • Validate email addresses with the ValidateAddress method.

  • Use one or more specified DNS servers for Direct Sending of email.

  • ConfirmRead property.

  • ReturnReceipt property.

  • Optionally load the message body from file.

  • Supports the addition of custom headers to an email.

  • MSDN integrated help.

  • Full control over various time out properties.

The Dundas Mailer control exposes two methods which will send an email message. The QuickSend method lets you send an email with a minimal amount of code, and its advantage is its simplicity and ease of use. SendMail also sends an message but it does require that certain properties and collections to be set first. The advantage of SendMail is that it incorporates ALL features of the control.

To post an article to a news group you can call the PostArticle method.

The ProgID of the control is "Dundas.Mailer".

Most methods of this control will throw an exception if an error occurs. Trap for the success/failure of mail operations by using an On Error Resume Next statement and examine the Err object after a function call.

See Also: Product Overview | How to Use the Dundas Mailer Control | Dundas Upload Control