ProgressID (Dundas Upload Control 2.0)


ProgressID (Dundas Upload Control 2.0)

Overview | Properties | Methods

Set this property to a unique ID (obtained by the UploadProgress component from the Dundas State Server) when processing an upload which utilizes a progress bar window.


long = UploadObject.ProgressID

The ProgressID property syntax has the following parts:




An ID which uniquely identifies one particular upload operation. Defaults to negative one (disabled).


You must set this property before calling either the Save or SaveToMemory methods of the control if you want to utilize the StateServer and the UploadProgress component in order to display a progress bar.

Setting this property allows the State Server component's data for the upload operation in question to be continuosly updated by the Upload Control. Inotherwords, as the uploading of form data occurs the State Server is continuously being updated as to how much data has been uploaded, thereby allowing the UploadProgress component to retrieve this information in order to update a progress bar window.

A unique ID is generated by calling the GetNewProgressID method of the UploadProgress component.

See Also: Tutorial 4: Implementing a Progress Bar | StateServer | StateServerPort