EncodeHeader (Dundas Mailer Control 1.0)


EncodeHeader (Dundas Mailer Control 1.0)

Overview | Properties | Methods

Use this method to encode an html header. Useful for non-US-ASCII header values.


[string] = MailerObject.EncodeHeader(Text As String, CharSet As String, [Encoding As Long = 0])

The EncodeHeader method syntax has the following parts:




The string value of the header which is to be encoded.


The character set to be used for the header.


Optional. The type of encoding to be used, either BASE64 (1), or QUOTEDPRINTABLE (0). Defaults to 0.


The encoded version of the header.

  Return Values

A string expression which is the encoded value of the Text argument.


This method lets you specify character sets other than the standard US-ASCII character set for the message headers. This is particularly useful for setting the Subject header and the FromName component of the From header to non-English values.

To use "Quoted Printable" encoding set the Encoding argument to zero (0) or use the default value. To use BASE64 encoding specify a value of one (1) for the Encoding argument.

Use either BodyCharSet or HtmlBodyCharSet to specify a non-"US-ASCII" character set for the message body.

See Also: CustomHeader Object | CustomHeaders Collection | Add Method (CustomHeaders collection)