Address object (Dundas Mailer Control 1.0)


Address Object (Dundas Mailer Control 1.0)

An Address object stores details about a particular email address.


This object is used in the TOs, CCs, BCCs and ReplyTOs collections. To add Address objects to these collections use their Add methods.

The Address object consists of the following two (2) properties:

  • Address as string. Any valid email address (e.g. [email protected]).

  • Name as string. An optional name which will precede the Address property (e.g. "Jimmy Smith")

If we specify an address and a name then the name will precede the address property or be the only thing displayed, depending on the type of email software being used by the client. For example, if the specified Address property is "[email protected]" and the Name property has been set to "Jimmy Smith" then the address displayed by the client's email software will be either "Jimmy Smith" <[email protected]> or just "Jimmy Smith".

The Name property defaults to a zero-length string.

See Also: BCCs collection | CCs collection | ReplyTos collection | TOs collection