TOs, CCs, BCCs and ReplyTOs collections (Dundas Mailer Control 1.0)


TOs, CCs, BCCs and ReplyTOs collections (Dundas Mailer Control 1.0)

These collections store Address objects, and determine the recipient(s) of the email. They are all 0-based.


These collections support the following methods and properties:

  • Add(Address as string, [Name as string]). Adds an Address object to the collection.

  • Remove(Index). Removes a particular object from the collection.

  • Count (read-only property). The number of Address objects stored in the collection.

  • Item(Index). Used to retrieve a particular object from the collection.

  • Clear(). Removes all Address objects from the collection.

The QuickSend method does not use these collections. All other mail send methods (as well as PostArticle) use these collections.

You can send an email to multiple recipients by adding more than one Address object to these collections. You can also specify multiple addresses with just one (1) Address object by separating the multiple entries with commas. However, if you use just one (1) Address object to specify multiple addresses then you CAN NOT precede the address with the name of the message sender (e.g. "Firstname Lastname" [email protected]).

The ReplyTOs collection is used if the recipient of the email decides to reply to the email message. If there are no items in this collection then the ReplyTo address is taken from the FromAddress property. Note that all Address objects will be used for the reply message.

To have multiple addresses appear in the To field of the resulting email just add multiple Address objects to the ReplyTOs collection.

See Also: Address Object | Add Method | Remove Method | Clear Method | Item Method | Count Property