Body (Dundas Mailer Control 1.0)


Body (Dundas Mailer Control 1.0)

Overview | Properties | Methods

Determines the body of the email (unless you are calling the QuickSend method).


MailerObject.Body = [string]

The Body property syntax has the following parts:




A string expression which determines the body of the email.


Set this property to specify the body of an email message.

The QuickSend method does not use this property.

Please note that the maximum allowable size of the email body is 32Kb.

NOTE: if you set both the Body property and the HtmlBody property before sending the message then the type of body displayed is dependent on the default settings of the recipient's email software. If the recipient defaults to html email then the body displayed will be determined by the HtmlBody property. However, if the recipient's email program defaults to text-based email then the Body property determines the body of the message.

See Also: SendMail