How to use the Template Creator


How to use the Template Creator

The Template Creator lets you create and/or manipulate templates to be used with the Dundas Pie Chart Server Control.  The Template Creator can be accessed via the Start Menu Entry named "Pie Chart Template Creator".

The application menu lets you create, open, and save templates to disk. The popup menu allows you to open a property sheet for property editing, switch to either Size or Move mode, and work with static text labels.

The properties of elements are available for editing via property sheets. The possible property pages are: Pie Element; Data Label; Texture; Size - Move; Light; Labels; Line Patterns; Title; and Scene.

Note that the property pages displayed depends on the type of element you click over, so only some of the pages listed above will be shown.

To rotate a chart use the keyboard's navigational keys. For more details see Rotating a Chart.

For a listing of pie chart properties that can be edited via the Template Creator see the overview.

By default a new template will not display the last pie slice because it is collected. To view this last slice (which is collected and therefore not visible) open the Pie Element property page for ANY visible slice and set the Collected Data Limit to zero percent. This makes sure that no elements are collected (all pie slices will be visible). If you want to determine which slice is the collected slice open the same property page and set the Collected Data Limit to 100%, thereby causing all slices to be collected. The resulting pie chart will then display only the collected 'slice'. You can then change the texture/color of the collected slice by right-clicking over it, selecting the Properties menu item and then choosing the Textures property page.

A new template randomly sets the colors of the pie slices.

IMPORTANT: for the Template Creator to work correctly the Intel compression library (ijl15.dll) must be located either in your system directory or at the same directory level as the Template Creator. Also, in order to use the distributed textures the "Textures" folder (which stores these textures) must also exist at the same directory level as the Template Creator).

See Also: Template Creator Overview | Collected Data Elements