Item Method (All Dundas Mailer collections)


Item Method (All Dundas Mailer collections)

Call this method to retrieve an element from any Dundas Mailer collection. This is the default member of all collections.


AnyMailerCollection.Item (Index)

The Item method syntax has the following parts:




This argument can be either a number (integer or long data type) or a string key. All of the Dundas Mailer collections are zero (0) based.


If the Index argument is specified as a number then the item is retrieved via the index of the collection (zero-based). For example, to retrieve the first element in the TOs collection you could use the following statement: Set objAddress = TOsCollection.Item(0). If a string is specified then the element is retrieved via its key. For a listing of collection keys refer to the following:

  • TOs Collection string key = Address property

  • CCs Collection string key = Address property

  • BCCs Collection string key = Address property

  • Attachments Collection string key = FileName property

  • HTMLEmbeddedObjs Collection string key = FileName property

  • CustomHeaders Collection string key = Name property

  • DNSServers Collection string key = Name property

  • SMTPServers Collection string key = Name property

This method is the default collection method so you do not have to explicitly declare it. For example, to retrieve the first Address object from the TOs collection you could use this statement: Set objAddress = TOs(0).

See Also: Count Property | Clear Method | Remove Method