Overview (UploadProgress Component)


UploadProgress Component Overview

Component Properties | Component Methods

Use the UploadProgress component when you want to display a progress bar for an upload operation.

The UploadProgress Component is used to access the State Server and retrieve upload information which can then be used to update a progress bar window. It can retrieve new progress ID's, retrieve the progress information stored in the State Server and also delete state information by ID. It is also responsible for retrieving a new Progress ID when an upload operation is initiated (accomplished via the GetNewProgressID method).

To retrieve upload information set the ProgressID property to the unique Progress ID, call the GetProgress method and then utilize the PercentCompleted, TotalSize, and UploadedSize properties. Please note that these properties will be negative one (-1) if no data has been uploaded yet.

For detailed instructions on how to implement a progress bar see Tutorial 4: Implementing a Progress Bar.

Any errors which occur will result in an exception being thrown.

See Also: Overview (Dundas State Server)