ReturnReceipt (Dundas Mailer Control 1.0)


ReturnReceipt (Dundas Mailer Control 1.0)

Overview | Properties | Methods

If this property is set to TRUE and the client's user agent (email software) supports this feature then confirmation will be sent to the address in the email's From header when the email is retrieved by the recipient.


MailerObject.ReturnReceipt = [boolean]

The ReturnReceipt property syntax has the following parts:




Set this to TRUE to request confirmation that the email has been retrieved by the recipient. Defaults to FALSE.


If ReturnReceipt is set to TRUE and this feature is also supported by the client's user agent then a notice will be sent back to the address in the email's From header confirming that the email has been retrieved by the recipient.

NOTE: Make sure you supply a valid email address for the From field when sending the message, since it is the address in the From header which determines where the confirmation reply is sent. If you are using SendMail ensure that the FromAddress property has been set before sending the email. If you are using the QuickSend method make sure that you supply the correct email address for the From argument.

This property can be used in conjunction with ALL methods which send an email. PostArticle, however, does not utilize the ReturnReceipt property.

Microsoft's Outlook supports this feature, while OutLook Express does not.

See Also: ConfirmRead