int GetEntryProperties(LPCSTR szEntryName, LPRASENTRY pRasEntry,DWORD* pnRasEntryLen)
szEntryName |
A phonebook entry. |
pRasEntry |
A pointer to an allocated RASENTRY structure. The dwSize member of the structure must be set to "sizeof(RASENTRY)". |
pnRasEntryLen |
The size of the pRasEntry buffer. |
Return Value
Operation completed successfully. |
Function failed (see GetLastRASError for more details). |
The supplied buffer was too small. |
Unable to load the RAS DLLs. |
Retrieves the properties for a given phonebook entry. This function takes a pointer to a RASENTRY structure which must already exist.
NOTE: the RASENTRY structure can be followed by an array of null-terminated alternate phone number strings. The last string is terminated by two consecutive null characters. The dwAlternateOffset member of the RASENTRY structure contains the offset to the first string.
Set the nRasEntryLen parameter to the total length of the given data buffer. If the buffer is too small then the function will fail.
To help ensure success call the function with pRasEntry set to NULL and nRasEntryLen set to 0. If the function returns with a value of UTE_BUFFER_TOO_SHORT then nRasEntryLen will contain the required size of the buffer. Allocate a buffer of the required size and call the function again.
// if the entry name is passed then a modification call is made
// to this dialog instead of an add call.
if (m_pRas->GetEntryProperties(m_szEntryName, NULL,&size) == UTE_BUFFER_TOO_SHORT)
m_rasEntry = new RASENTRY[size];
m_rasEntry->dwSize = size;
// retrieve all properties for the selected book entry
if (m_pRas->GetEntryProperties(m_szEntryName, m_rasEntry,&size) == UTE_SUCCESS)
// get the username
if (m_pRas->GetEntryUserName(m_szEntryName, szTemp,sizeof(szTemp)) == UTE_SUCCESS)
// get the password
if (m_pRas->GetEntryPassword(m_szEntryName, szTemp,sizeof(szTemp)) == UTE_SUCCESS)
// get phone number and area code
if (m_pRas->GetEntryPhoneNumber(m_szEntryName,szTemp,sizeof(szTemp),szAreaCode,sizeof(szAreaCode) ) == UTE_SUCCESS)