Tutorial 2: Retrieving Form Data Incrementally Using the GetNextFile Method


Tutorial 2: Retrieving Form Data Incrementally Using the GetNextFile Method

The objectives of this tutorial are to:

  • Demonstrate how to optionally upload files using the GetNextFile method (retrieves form data incrementally).

  • Show how the Form collection is populated by GetNextFile method calls.

  • Demonstrate how to use the TagName property to check which uploaded files originated from which file input boxes.

  • Demonstrate how to use the ContentType property to determine the type of file the user wishes to upload.

We are assuming that a form with an EncType of "Multipart/Form-Data" is POSTING data to an ASP page which contains the following code.


<% 'most control methods throw an exception if an error occurs so we will use an On Error
' Resume Next statement for error trapping purposes

On Error Resume Next

'create an instance of the Upload control
objUpload = Server.CreateObject("Dundas.Upload.2")

'retrieve the first NextFile object, which contains header data only for
' the first file uploaded by user. Note that the Form collection will be

' populated with all form data which occurs up to the first populated

' file input box (which results in this first NextFile object)

objNextFile = objUpload.GetNextFile
'check to see if method call was successful using VBScript's Err object, if

' an error occurred we will redirect user to a fictitious error page

Err.Number <> 0 Then Response.Redirect "Error.asp"

'we will retrieve NextFile objects until there are no more uploaded files
' to process (each NextFile object corresponds to a populated file input box)

'if the file is not an executable we will save the uploaded file to memory, if

' it is an executable then we will not save it at all (by just calling GetNextFile again)

Do Until
objNextFile Is Nothing

'NOTE: you can retrieve any form data here as long as it occurs in the html POST form
' BEFORE the populated file input box which corresponds to the current NextFile object

strSomestring = objUpload.Form("SomeFormElement")

'now save file if not an *.exe, and for demonstration purposes we will output
' the name of the file input box from which the uploaded file originated

InStr(1,objNextFile.ContentType,"octet-stream",1) = 0 Then
Response.Write objNextFile.TagName & "<br>"
End If

'call NextFile again, to retrieve the header data for the next uploaded file
' once again it should be noted that this will populate the Form collection

' with all data up to the corresponding populated file input box

objNextFile = objUpload.GetNextFile


'release resources
objUpload = Nothing