
Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (Summer 2003)


Microsoft® DirectPlay® generates the DPN_MSGID_INDICATE_CONNECT message when a player attempts to connect to a peer-to-peer or client/server session.

The DPNMSG_INDICATE_CONNECT structure contains information for the DPN_MSGID_INDICATE_CONNECT system message.


    DWORD dwSize;
    PVOID pvUserConnectData;
    DWORD dwUserConnectDataSize;
    PVOID pvReplyData;
    DWORD dwReplyDataSize;
    PVOID pvReplyContext;
    PVOID pvPlayerContext;
    IDirectPlay8Address *pAddressPlayer;
    IDirectPlay8Address *pAddressDevice;


Size of this structure.
Data of the connecting player.
Size of the data, in bytes, contained in the pvUserConnectData member.
Connection reply data. This data must be valid beyond the scope of the callback message handler. You will receive a DPN_MSGID_RETURN_BUFFER message when DirectPlay is finished with this buffer.
Size of the data, in bytes, contained in the pvReplyData member.
Buffer context for pvReplyData. This value will be passed to the host's message handler with the DPN_MSGID_RETURN_BUFFER message as the pvUserContext member of the associated structure.
Player context preset.
Pointer to an IDirectPlay8Address interface for the connecting player. You must call IDirectPlay8Address::AddRef to increment the interface's reference count. Call IDirectPlay8Address::Release when you no longer need the interface.
Pointer to an IDirectPlay8Address interface for the device receiving the connect attempt. You must call IDirectPlay8Address::AddRef to increment the interface's reference count. Call IDirectPlay8Address::Release when you no longer need the interface.


Return DPN_OK to allow the player to join the session. Any other return value will reject the requested connection.

The hResultCode member of the structure associated with the DPN_MSGID_CONNECT_COMPLETE message that is sent to the player requesting a connection will be set to S_OK if the connection was successful. If the connection is rejected, hResultCode will be set to DPNERR_HOSTREJECTEDCONNECTION, not the value you return from this message.

When an DPN_MSGID_INDICATE_CONNECT notification arrives on the host player's message handler, setting pvPlayerContext before returning the thread will preset the player context value on the respective DPN_MSGID_CREATE_PLAYER notification. This feature allows you to pass a player context value to DPN_MSGID_CREATE_PLAYER.

If you set a player context value, that value is not frozen until the subsequent DPN_MSGID_CREATE_PLAYER message has been processed. You thus have the option of modifying this player context value when you process DPN_MSGID_CREATE_PLAYER.

If a client drops the connection after the server has processed the DPN_MSGID_INDICATE_CONNECT message but before it has processed DPN_MSGID_CREATE_PLAYER, the server will receive a DPN_MSGID_INDICATED_CONNECT_ABORTED message. If you receive this message, free any memory that you allocated while processing DPN_MSGID_INDICATE_CONNECT. When DPN_MSGID_CREATE_PLAYER has been processed, this memory should be freed when you process DPN_MSGID_DESTROY_PLAYER.

If you specify a value for pvUserConnectData, you will subsequently be sent a DPN_MSGID_RETURN_BUFFER message to notify you that you can safely free the buffer.

Message Information

Minimum operating systems Windows 98, Pocket PC 2002

© 2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.