IDirectPlay8AddressIP::BuildLocalAddress Method


Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (Summer 2003)

IDirectPlay8AddressIP::BuildLocalAddress Method

Builds a local Microsoft® DirectPlay®   Internet Protocol (IP) address from a device and port.


HRESULT BuildLocalAddress(      
    const GUID *const pguidAdapter,     const USHORT usPort );


[in] Local device identifier to host on.
[in] Port on the local device to host on. This value can be set to 0 to allow DirectPlay to automatically select the port.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or one of the following error values.

DPNERR_INVALIDPARAMOne or more of the parameters passed to the method are invalid.
DPNERR_INVALIDPOINTERPointer specified as a parameter is invalid.
DPNERR_NOTALLOWEDThis function is not allowed on this object.


The result of a successful call is a valid remote address with the following elements.

  • DPNA_KEY_DEVICE= specified device
  • DPNA_KEY_PORT = specified port
All addressing information contained in the object before the call is erased.

Note  The DPNSVR is a DirectPlay feature that allows multiple processes to share a single port for enumeration. Do not use the DPNA_DPNSVR_PORT flag when constructing a device address, or when making a connection. This flag should only be used for enumerations. If you do not add a port element to the enumeration address, the port represented by the flag will be automatically added to that address. See Using the DirectPlay DPNSVR Application for a further discussion of DPNSVR.

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