IDirectPlayVoiceClient::Delete3DSoundBuffer Method


Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (Summer 2003)

IDirectPlayVoiceClient::Delete3DSoundBuffer Method

Returns exclusive control of the 3-D sound buffer object to the Microsoft® DirectPlay® voice client object.


HRESULT Delete3DSoundBuffer(      
    DVID dvID,     LPDIRECTSOUND3DBUFFER *lpUserBuffer );


[in] DVID of the player or group that the user wants to delete a buffer for.
[in] Pointer to the user buffer to delete. This must be a user buffer obtained through the IDirectPlayVoiceClient::Create3DSoundBuffer method.

Return Value

Returns DV_OK if successful, or one of the following error values.

DVERR_ALREADYBUFFEREDThere is already a user buffer for the specified ID.
DVERR_INVALIDOBJECTThe DirectPlay object pointer is invalid.
DVERR_INVALIDPARAMOne or more of the parameters passed to the method are invalid.
DVERR_INVALIDPOINTERThe pointer specified is invalid.
DVERR_NOTALLOWEDThe object does not have the permission to perform this operation.
DVERR_NOTBUFFEREDThere is no user buffer for the specified ID.
DVERR_NOTCONNECTEDThe DirectPlay Voice object is not connected.
DVERR_NOTINITIALIZEDThe IDirectPlayVoiceClient::Initialize or IDirectPlayVoiceServer::Initialize method must be called before calling this method.
DVERR_SESSIONLOSTThe transport has lost the connection to the session.


If the DirectPlay Voice session is a mixing server session, this method fails and returns DVERR_NOTALLOWED.

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