Structure MaxJob

3DS Max Plug-In SDK

Structure MaxJob

See Also: Class MaxNetManager, Structure Job, Structure SceneInfo, Structure MaxJobRenderElements


This structure is available in release 4.0 and later only.

This structure is used by the Network Rendering API to store information about a 3ds max specific job.

typedef struct {

bool init;

This flag determines if the structure is valid.

bool gammacorrection;

This flag determines is gamma correction is used.

float gammavaluein;

The input gamma value for maps.

float gammavalueout;

The output gamma value for output images.

float pixelaspect;

The pixel aspect ratio.

SceneInfo sceneInfo;

The scene information data structure.

MaxJobRenderElements re;

The render elements data structure.

char reserved[64];

Reserved for future use.

} MaxJob;