Class PreviewParams

3DS Max Plug-In SDK

Class PreviewParams

See Also: Class Interface.


The data members of this class are used to specify the options for creating a preview of the active viewport. A pointer to an instance of this class is passed into the Interface method:

virtual void CreatePreview(PreviewParams *pvp=NULL)=0;

Data Members:


BOOL outputType;

Specifies the output file or device. This value may be either 0, 1 or 2.

0 specifies the default AVI codec.

1 specifies the user picks a file.

2 specifies the user picks device.

nit pctSize;

Specifies the percentage (0-100) of current rendering output resolution.

int start;

The start frame limits.

int end;

The end frame limit.

int skip;

Specifies how many frames are skipped between rendered frames. The is similar to the 'Every Nth Frame' parameter in the user interface.

int fps;

The frames per second setting.

BOOL dspGeometry;

If TRUE is displayed in the viewports; otherwise it is not shown.

BOOL dspShapes;

If TRUE shapes are displayed in the preview; otherwise they are not shown.

BOOL dspLights;

If TRUE lights are displayed in the preview; otherwise they are not shown.

BOOL dspCameras;

If TRUE cameras are displayed in the preview; otherwise they are not shown.

BOOL dspHelpers;

If TRUE helper objects are displayed in the preview; otherwise they are not shown.

BOOL dspSpaceWarps;

If TRUE space warp helper objects are displayed in the preview; otherwise they are not shown.

BOOL dspGrid;

If TRUE the grid lines are displayed in the preview; otherwise they are not shown.

BOOL dspSafeFrame;

If TRUE the safe frames are displayed in the preview; otherwise they are not shown.

BOOL dspFrameNums;

If TRUE frame numbers are shown in the preview; otherwise they are not shown.

int rndLevel;

Specifies the rendering level used (these are the same options available to the user when setting viewport rendering levels). Valid values are 0,1,2,3,4,6,7.

0 specifies smooth with highlights.

1 specifies smooth without highlights.

2 specifies faceted with highlights

3 specifies faceted without highlights.

4 specifies lit wireframe mode.

6 spcifies unlit wireframe.

7 specifies box mode.

int dspBkg;

If nonzero the background image is displayed; otherwise it is not used.