Class CheckAbortCallback

3DS Max Plug-In SDK

Class CheckAbortCallback

See Also: Class Effect.

class CheckAbortCallback


This class is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Implemented by the System (for Render Effect plug-ins inside the Effect::Apply() method).

The Check() method of this class may be called to check if the user did something to abort the application of the effect.



virtual BOOL Check()=0;


Returns TRUE if user has done something to cause an abort; otherwise FALSE.


virtual int Progress(int done, int total)=0;


This method is should be called by each Effect plug-in as it proceeds through the image to update the progress bar.


int done

The amount done, i.e. the current state of the image processsing. This is usually the number of scan lines processed so far.

int total

The total number of updates. This is usually the number of pixels in height of the image.

Return Value:

Returns TRUE if user has done something to cause an abort; otherwise FALSE.


virtual void SetTitle(const TCHAR *title)=0;


This method is called internally by the calling code -- plug-ins don't need to call this method.