Array and Device Status


Array and Device Status

    Disk Array and Device (mean Disk here) may have different status, such as warning, error, need sync, need reboot...etc. VIA RAID Tool uses various icons to imply these different status. Detail status information is displayed in right pane of the application window when a disk array or disk is selected in left pane, following is an example (a disk array with broken status):

Following table lists all possible array and device icons, as well as the status these icons represent:

 Normal disk array

 Disk array with warning status

 Broken disk array

 Normal array disk

 Absent array disk

 Array disk with error

 Array disk with warning status

 the pair of Source and Mirror disks should be synchronized ( note: data on the Mirror disk maybe newer, although only a Mirror disk may have this look  )

 Array disk which need system reboot to enable its function ( note: may also has other status, refer to the status description in application window's right pane for details )