Purpose |
convert an unsigned integer to a wider unsigned integer |
Format |
opcode src.rx, dst.wy |
Operation |
dst ß ZEXT (src); |
Condition codes |
N ß 0; Z ß dst EQL 0; V ß 0; C ß C; |
Exceptions |
None |
Opcodes |
9B MOVZBW Move Zero-Extended Byte to Word 9A MOVZBL Move Zero-Extended Byte to Long 3C MOVZWL Move Zero-Extended Word to Long |
Description |
For MOVZBW, bits 7:0 of the destination operand are replaced by the source operand; bits 15:8 are replaced by zero. For MOVZBL, bits 7:0 of the destination operand are replaced by the source operand; bits 31:8 are replaced by 0. For MOVZWL, bits 15:0 of the destination operand are replaced by the source operand; bits 31:16 are replaced by 0. |
Example 1
main: .word 0
movb $255, r0
movzbl r0, r1
pushl r1
pushal format
calls $2, .printf
pushl $0
calls $1, .exit
format: .asciz "R1 is %d"