MATCHC Match Characters
Purpose |
to find substring (object) in character string |
Format |
opcode, objaddr.ab,, srcaddr.ab |
Operation |
search the string located on srcaddr for full string match of object |
Condition codes |
N ß 0; V ßR0 EQL 0; V ß 0; C ß 0; |
Exceptions |
None |
Opcodes |
39 MATCHC Match Characters |
Description |
The source string specified by the source length and source address operands is searched for a substring which matches the object string specified by the object length and object ad dress operands. If the substring is found, the condition code Z bit is set; otherwise, it is cleared. |
Notes |
1. After Execution: R0 = if a match occurred 0; otherwise the number of bytes in the object string. Rl = if a match occurred, the address of one byte beyond the object string; otherwise the address of the object string. R2 = if a match occurred, the number of bytes remaining in the source string after the match; otherwise 0. R3 = if a match occurred, the address of 1 byte beyond the last byte matched; otherwise the address of 1 byte beyond the source 2. If both strings have zero length or if the object string has zero length, condition code Z is set just as though the substring were found. 3. If the source string has zero length and the object string has non-zero length, condition code Z is cleared just a though the substring were not found. |