
move a scalar quantity


opcode src.rx, dst.wx


dst ß src

Condition codes

N ß dst LSS 0

Z ß dst EQL 0

V ß 0

C ß C


None (integer); Reserved operand (floating point)

Operation codes

90        MOVB            Move Byte

BO       MOVW           Move Word

DO      MOVL             Move Long

7D       MOVQ            Mode Quad

50        MOVF             Move Floating

70        MOVD            Move Double


The destination operand is replaced by the source operand. The source operand is unaffected.


1.         On a floating reserved operand fault, the destination operand is unaffected and the condition codes are


2.         Unlike the POP-11, but like the other VAX-11 instructions, MOVB and MOVW do not modify the high order bytes of a register destination. Refer to the MOVZxL and CVTxL instructions to update the full register contents.



Example 1


In the following program we put 0 in r0, and then printing it, and printing the PSW.

Then we put -1 in r0 and print the PSW again. PSW will be 4 and then 8 (On the beginning the third bit will be 1, and on the end the fourth bit will be set).




main: .word 0

      # put 0 in r0. Zero flag will raised

      movl $0, r0

      movpsl r1   # r1 will contains the PSL

      movw r1, r2 # save only the PSW to r2

      pushl r0

      pushl r2

      pushal format

      calls $3, .printf


      # put negative number in r0. Neg flag should rised

      movl $-1, r0

      movpsl r1   # r1 will contains the PSL

      movw r1, r2 # save only the PSW to r2

      pushl r0

      pushl r2

      pushal format

      calls $3, .printf


      pushl $0

      calls $1, .exit



format: .asciz "PSW is %d. R0 is %d\n"



Example 2


The programs test the different types of mov commands: movl, movw and movb.

It will print 12345678, then 5678 and then 78.




main: .word 0

      movl $0x12345678, r1

      movw r1, r2

      movb r2, r3

      pushl r3

      pushl r2

      pushl r1

      pushal format

      calls $4, .printf


      pushl $0

      calls $1, .exit



format: .asciz "R1 is %X, R2 is %X, R3 is %X\n"



Example 3


The following program demonstrates the using of the movq opcode:



main: .word 0

movl $1000, r0

movl $1004, r1

movl $0x12345678, (r0)

movl $0x54321234, (r1)

movq (r0), r4     # R4 contains 0x12345678, R5 contains 0x54321234

