Status command

Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2013

Displays information about pending changes to files and folders in one or more workspaces. Or, when you use the /shelveset option, displays information about pending changes in a shelveset.

Requirements: See Permission reference for Team Foundation Server.

tf stat[us] itemspec [/collection:TeamProjectCollectionUrl]
| [/shelveset:shelvesetname[;shelvesetowner]])
[/format:(brief|detailed)] [/recursive][/user:(*|username)]




/collection: TeamProjectCollectionUrl

When you use the /workspace option, specifies the URL of the team project collection that contains the workspace that contains the pending changes. For example: http://myserver:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection. If not specified, by default the team project collection is presumed to be the one that contains the workspace that maps the current directory.

Ignored if you do not use the /workspace option.


See Remarks, below, for the limitations of this option.


Specifies how much detail to display about each pending change:

  • Brief (default): Displays one line about each pending change that includes: file name, changes, whether the item is locked (indicated by an asterisk (*) symbol), local path, and user (if using the /collection and /workspace options). Some of the data might be truncated.

  • Detailed: Displays a full description of each pending change. In addition to the above information, this option displays additional data such as date and time, and lock.


Specifies the items for which you want pending change data. For syntax, see Use Team Foundation version control commands. You can specify more than one itemspec argument.


Specifies the user account to use to run the command. See Use Team Foundation version control commands.


Recursively retrieves data about pending changes to items in the specified directory and any subdirectories.


Specifies the shelveset that contains the changes you want to list.

This option cannot be combined with the /workspace option.


Lists all pending changes made by the specified user. An asterisk (*) symbol includes data about changes from all users. The default is the current user.


See Remarks, below, for the limitations of this option.


Specifies the name of the workspace that contains the pending changes. If not specified, the workspace is the one that maps the current directory.

You can specify workspaceowner to get data about pending changes in a workspace that belongs to a specific user. If not specified, the workspace is presumed to be the current user, or if specified, the /login:username.

This option cannot be combined with the /shelveset option.


See Remarks, below, for the limitations of this option.


You can use the Status command to view pending changes in the current workspace (for example, the workspace that maps the current directory in the command prompt window) regardless of whether it is a local workspace or a server workspace. You can also use this command to view pending changes in a remote server workspace (for example, changes made by another user on another dev machine) by using the /collection, /user, and /workspace options. However, you cannot view pending changes in a remote local workspace.

Also see: Decide between using a local or a server workspace.


In all the following examples, assume that $/SiteApp/Main/ is mapped to c:\code\SiteApp\Main\ in the workspace.

List all changes in the current workspace

 Copy imageCopy Code
c:\code\SiteApp\Main\SolutionA\>tf stat

Lists all pending changes in the workspace.

List all changes in a folder

 Copy imageCopy Code
c:\code\SiteApp\Main>tf stat SolutionA\*

Lists all pending changes to all items in the SolutionA folder.

List all changes in a folder and its subfolders

 Copy imageCopy Code
c:\code\SiteApp\Main>tf stat SolutionA\* /recursive

Lists pending changes to all items in the SolutionA folder, including those in its subfolders).

Work in Visual Studio

  • Develop code and manage pending changes Use Visual Studio to view and manage pending changes.


  • Tip Most changes you make to files under version control are queued as pending changes in your workspace. See Develop code and manage pending changes and Create and work with workspaces.

  • Tip You can use the Difference Command to get details about edit changes (changes to the content) in a file.

  • Tip If you need to set aside changes (and perhaps also want to clean your workspace for another task), use the Shelve Command. For more information about shelvesets, see Suspend your work and manage your shelvesets.

  • Tip When you are ready to check in changes to the server, use the

Checkin command.