
SDL Library

SDL Library Documentation
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SDL_VideoInfo -- Video Target information

Structure Definition

typedef struct{
  Uint32 hw_available:1;
  Uint32 wm_available:1;
  Uint32 blit_hw:1;
  Uint32 blit_hw_CC:1;
  Uint32 blit_hw_A:1;
  Uint32 blit_sw:1;
  Uint32 blit_sw_CC:1;
  Uint32 blit_sw_A:1;
  Uint32 blit_fill;
  Uint32 video_mem;
  SDL_PixelFormat *vfmt;
} SDL_VideoInfo;

Structure Data

hw_available Is it possible to create hardware surfaces?
wm_available Is there a window manager available
blit_hw Are hardware to hardware blits accelerated?
blit_hw_CC Are hardware to hardware colorkey blits accelerated?
blit_hw_A Are hardware to hardware alpha blits accelerated?
blit_sw Are software to hardware blits accelerated?
blit_sw_CC Are software to hardware colorkey blits accelerated?
blit_sw_A Are software to hardware alpha blits accelerated?
blit_fill Are color fills accelerated?
video_mem Total amount of video memory in Kilobytes
vfmt Pixel format of the video device


This (read-only) structure is returned by SDL_GetVideoInfo. It contains information on either the 'best' available mode (if called before SDL_SetVideoMode) or the current video mode.

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