Zooming In and Out


Zooming In and Out

When a net diagram becomes large, it is handy to be able to “zoom out” to see more of it in the window at once.  Press ctrl+> or choose Window Zoom Out.  Each time you do this, the magnification of the drawing will be decreased, so you will be able to see more of it.  To increase the magnification, press ctrl+< or choose Window Zoom In.  You can also access the Zoom menu by right-clicking on the net = 4 && typeof(BSPSPopupOnMouseOver) == 'function') BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event);" class="BSSCPopup" onclick="BSSCPopup('X_PU_background.htm');return false;">background.

Whatever the zoom magnification, you can edit or use the net in the normal way.

Global Zoom:  Netica provides a very fast and convenient way of obtaining an overview of a diagram, and quickly navigating to a new point on it, called Global Zoom.  When a large net diagram is the = 4 && typeof(BSPSPopupOnMouseOver) == 'function') BSPSPopupOnMouseOver(event);" class="BSSCPopup" onclick="BSSCPopup('X_PU_active_window.htm');return false;">active window, you can press the space bar and hold it down.  While it is depressed, Netica will zoom out, so that the whole net fits in the window.  Move the cursor to the point on the net you wish to work on next, and then release the space bar.  Netica will zoom back to normal, with the spot of interest in the center of the screen.

If you wish to use Global Zoom just to get an overview of the net, but you don’t want to navigate to a new spot, then don't move the mouse cursor at all, or else move it clear out of the window, before releasing the space bar.

Particular Magnifications:  You can zoom out just enough that the whole net will be displayed in the window by choosing Window Zoom To Fit.  After any sequence of zoom operations you can return to 100% magnification with Window Zoom To Normal.

Window Zoom To... allows you to choose an exact magnification amount, and Window Zoom Back returns the magnification to what it was before the last zoom operation.

Printing:  The zoom magnification does not effect output sent to a printer; to change that magnification, choose File Printer Setup and put blank entries for the number of horizontal and vertical pages in the dialog boxes that come up afterwards. You will then be queried for a printer magnification.


Tip:  Often nets are built using a larger font, then as the nets get bigger, developers just zoom out a bit and continue building.  Instead build the net using a slightly smaller font size, and work at Normal (100%) zoom magnification, since Netica is optimized for that.